

インド国立中央食糧技術研究所 R. Subramanian 博士


日 時: 平成19年4月20日(金)16:00〜17:00
場 所:

筑波大学 筑波キャンパス 生物農林学系F棟206室
(つくば市天王台1-1-1 交通:つくばエクスプレス「つくば駅」下車、




筑波大学大学院 生命環境科学研究科 市川 創作
E-mail: sosakui@sakura.cc.tsukuba.ac.jp
Tel: 029-853-4627

ポスター: PDFファイル 81KB

Applications of Membrane Technology in Food and Bio-Processing
R. Subramanian
The Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore, India

A membrane process offers several advantages over the conventional method of processing and becoming popular in the area of food and bio-processing. Attempts have been made by our research group on the applications of membrane technology towards processing oils, honey, microbial colours and enzymes.
Conceptually, membranes could be used in almost all stages of edible oil processing and our research has shown that nonporous membranes are better in achieving simultaneous degumming, dewaxing, and decolorizing oils. Although, ultrafiltration of honey is practiced by industries to produce clarified honey, a combination of microfiltration and ultrafiltration provides a better scope to produce enzyme enriched honey as well as regular clarified honey.
Membrane processing has a wide scope in down stream processing involving purification and concentration of metabolites. A multistage ultrafiltration process was attempted with various MWCO membranes for obtaining different grades of polygalacturonase enzyme with varying specific activities. Microbes are good sources of natural colours and attempts are being made to improve the purity of xanthophylls and polyketides using nonporous and nanofiltration membranes in the solvent phase used for biomass extraction. The salient features of the above research works would be discussed during the presentation.


Copyright (C) Division of Biochemical Engineering, The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan