6th Ube Bioseparation Symposium
"Separation of large biomolecules and bioparticles- Conformational changes and their impact on separations"

共催: 化学工学会バイオ部会、山口地区化学工学懇話会、山口大学工学部、
日 時: 2006年11月23日(木)13:00-17:30、24日(金) 9:20-12:00
場 所:

場所 山口大学工学部D講義棟11教室 会場地図
(宇部市常盤台 JR宇部線宇部新川駅からタクシーで10分)

参加費: 8000円(予定)
申込方法: 下記問い合わせ先にE-mailでお申し込み下さい。
問合せ先: 山口大学 山本修一 (藤井幸江、吉本則子)
Tel: 0836-85-9243
 Program (tentative) プログラム(一部交渉中)
Conformational changes:How they affect the chromatographic separations?
Shuichi Yamamoto, Yamaguchi University, Japan
Control of protein aggregate formations-solvent engineering approach.
Kohei Tsumoto, the University of Tokyo, Japan
FFF with MALS for characterizing large biomolecules and particles.
Christoph Johann, WyattTechnology, Germany
Virus, plasmid and other particle separations by monolithic chromatography.
Ales Podgornik, BIA Separations, Slovenia
Thermodynamic analysis of ITC data for understanding conformational changes of large biomolecules such as DNA.
Wen-Yih Chen, National Central University, Taiwan
Protein unfolding and refolding.
Shigeo Katoh, Kobe University
Protein refolding by size exclusion chromatography.
Hwai-Shen Liu, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Protein Conformational Diseases and Relevant Potential Pharmacological Agents.

Steven Wang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Josephine W. Wu,Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan

Characterization of plasmids for understanding the ion-exchange chromatographic separations.

Tina Tarmann, IAM-BOKU, Austria

Membrane separations of bioparticles: limitations and opportunities.

Takaaki Tanaka, Niigata University, Japan

Antibody purification processes by protein A and ion-exchange chromatography: The importance of modeling.

Takashi Ishihara, Kirin Brewery, Japan

PAT:Forward Processing Criteria for Re-use of chromatography media and TFF membranes.

Peter Watler, Vaxgen, USA
Conformational changes:How we get the information and analyze the data.
Alois Jungbauer, IAM-BOKU, Austria

第18回化学工学研究会「バイオプロダクション- バイオプロダクツの分離・精製」
「 タンパク質のフォールディング 」
東京大学新領域創成科学研究科 津本 浩平
キリンビール 石原 尚
新潟大学工学部 田中孝明


Copyright (C) Division of Biochemical Engineering, The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan