バイオ部会が加盟しているAsian Federation Of Biotechnology(AFOB)が、来年1月ベトナム、フエでRegional Symposiumを開催します。発表論文のアブストラクト提出締切が12月20日(日)に迫っております。開催日が間近でありますが、日本からなるべく多くの参加をお願いできればと存じます。奮ってご参加くださいますようお願い申し上げます。
Dear Institutional Members of AFOB,
Greetings from AFOB!
The 7th AFOB Regional Symposium will be held through 28-30 January, 2016 in Hue, Vietnam. Details of the symposium can be seen at www.husc.edu.vn/ars2016/.
The deadlines for abstract submission and registration for ARS 2016 are getting close. Therefore, we would like to call for your cooperation to kindly distribute this enclosed announcement to your members and on notice boards if possible.
[Important Dates]
December 20, 2015: Abstract submission deadline (abstract template attached)
December 20, 2015: Manuscript submission deadline
December 30, 2015: Registration deadline
1. Call for paper (announcement) <download>
2. Abstract template <download>
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Hyun Jung Kim
Hyun Jung Kim
Asian Federation of Biotechnology (AFOB) Secretariat
1906, Get-Pearl Tower, 12, Gaetbeol-ro, Yeonsu-gu Incheon 21999, Republic of Korea
Tel +82 32 260 0066
Fax +82 32 260 0067
E-mail hj.kim afob.org
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Web page www.afob.org